Speed Dating Long Island Singles Ages 60-75 Medford

Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ($49.87)

3316 New York 112, Medford, New York United States - 3316 NY-112
Medford 3316 NY-112
Speed Dating


About this event 


  • 2 hours

Speed Dating Group D Women 60-72 / Men 62-75

*Ladies Seats ARE SOLD OUT / Men Seats Available

7 Min Speed Dating isn't just a chance to meet potential matches; it's an adventure in itself!
Includes 1 Free Bar Drink + Appetizers, personal emailed Date Matches sent next day

Because we balance a list of Men / Women must Pre-Pay to reserve
We have a very fair refund policy view here

Cost $45 (+ $1.95 service charge)

Promotion~ GUYS Bring a MALE FRIEND 1/2 off - $22.50 each! Click FRIEND to apply

SPEED DATING at Vintage really fun quaint location !
When you arrive, Mingle with like-minded singles in your age group while you enjoy your first drink free + appetizers (private party) Next, 7-minute Speed Dating event at cozy conversational couches to meet collection of mini “Dates”

How does Speed Dating Work ? CLICK HERE

*No Matches ? Receive1/2 price to future Speed-dating event Details Here

Questions ? Visit our FAQ page or CALL Gail: 631 592-9804


*NOTE your age is verified BEFORE you attend the event

Note disclaimer : Only our Speed Dating Events have closely-managed balance of men & women - and we work very hard at it!
Our Parties, Activity and Sporting events gender ratio will vary and may not be equal.
see website's posted guidelines

View Refund Policy

About the company :
Dating Is Hard. We want to make it easier! Since 2008, 7 in Heaven Singles events has help create 100's of Love Connections , Marriages and Friendships at our Speed Dating and activity events, providing a great alternative to online dating.



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.